Check Point Reference: | CPAI-2014-1512 |
Date Published: | 13 May 2014 |
Severity: | Critical |
Last Updated: | Sunday 04 May, 2014 |
Source: | |
Protection Provided by: |
Security Gateway |
Who is Vulnerable? | Microsoft Windows Operating System |
Vulnerability Description | Conficker is a computer worm that targets Windows users. Once resident, the worm has several mechanisms for pushing or pulling executable payloads over the network. These payloads are used by the worm to update to newer variants and to install additional malware. |
This protection will detect and block the propagation of the Conficker worm.
In order for the protection to be activated, update your Security Gateway product to the latest IPS update. For information on how to update IPS, go to SBP-2006-05, Protection tab and select the version of your choice.
SmartView Tracker will log the following entries:
Attack Name: Windows SMB Protection Violation.
Attack Information: Conficker Shellcode Remote Code Execution